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MSPI Software Solutions

What Is Data Marketplace?

Administrative Boundaries

Our digital administrative boundaries help you to display and analyze spatial areas on a map. They can easily be customized and attributed with the internal data of the company (e.g. Network plan data, Sales figures, sales areas) or Socio-demographic data and Purchasing Power data from us. Administrative boundaries are an essential tool for all businesses today as a seamless collection of spatial data that enables cross-border analysis across valid area boundaries are needed for the accurate analysis of a site or business location. Our administrative boundaries provide valuable and strategic inputs into targeted marketing campaigns and help in the realization of targets.

Digital Maps:

We provide over 40 layers of vector data to use in your planning applications. This highly detailed, multi-featured vector dataset is ideal for usage in a range of geospatial applications. Our digital maps provide a real-world display and is detailed enough to be able to provide a flexible, multipurpose foundation for critical business usage. We will provide our customers with detailed spatial information by displaying them simple maps of locations, facilities and assets, and help you to make tailor made solutions for them at an affordable rate. 

Digital Elevation Model

We provide high-resolution raster images. It helps in case of site selection analysis by using elevation value. This information can be used to determine the fire spread potential for landslides and other hazards. It also helps to define the flood risk area and determine the accessibility. The effective use of elevation information can reveal physical conditions on the ground that may increase or decrease the chance of a property being affected by natural disasters like floods or landslides. 

Environmental layers

We can also help to provide location intelligence about the impact of environmental factors like rainfall, flood, forest fires through our GIS enabled maps and databases to get real time information about the disaster affected areas. For example, we can use our services  to get data about a house or location from a flooded zone. We classify the flood risk data sets into different groups according to the extent of the areas affected while trying to get  information about the area to locate the buildings and areas which fall within that specific flood zone. Typically, flood determination is performed in two ways.  Either parcels are tested to determine whether that particular building parcel intersects a flood zone, or we use a geocode (street level, postcode level, parcel centroid)  as a testing point to get an approximate idea about the location of the building 

Land User Classification

The classified data helps in the creation of models for a particular area. Some of the standard classifications include: sea, inland water, open land, forest/woodland, park, villages, buildings, building blocks, dense building blocks, residential, industrial and commercial, mean urban, open in urban, dense urban and dense urban high.

Navigation and Speed data:

Our services also includes road network data for automotive-grade navigation for majority of the countries worldwide. The details provided range from road maps to specific instructions regarding one way streets or bridges to speed information. The speed information data enables users to get an idea about the average speed of the vehicles tracked on specific roads. 

Parcels and Property Characteristics Layer

Our comprehensive property information and parcel boundary databases provide an unprecedented level of insight into any solution that utilizes property characteristics or parcel boundary data. Parcels contain information about location and classification of houses according to different categories like residential, commercial, industrial, agriculture, vacant and miscellaneous.

Point Of Interest

We assist companies to make better and informed decisions  on the basis of our comprehensive, accurate global directory of geographical locations. Our  Premium Points of Interest will be a unique addition to the organizations for planning and decision making while catering to the needs of consumers. Our premium dataset contains a rich set of consumer-focused points of interest such as leisure hotspots, geographic features and businesses based on consumer interests. We use our latest solutions based on innovative technology to position the points of interest in our premium dataset, accurately according to the customers choice. 


Sometimes for the purpose of specific consumer analyses or general profiling of a particular area, several variables can be provided based on official statistics. Our Socio-Demographic data systems comprehend latest population, gender, age structure (15-year age bands) unemployed and employed household figures as well as Consumer Style data. Furthermore, we offer data on additional variables like income,  marital status and education. Data regarding gender and age can be helpful for targeting potential customer groups by different companies.

Soil Information Layer

Our Soil Information data contains physical location based data, comprising of information about soil types, and parcel boundary data information. These include the predictive maps of soil properties and classes. This will be available as “point” observations, polygon maps, or gridded maps.

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